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Webinar: Lean Management & Healthcare: practical applications in Anatomic Pathology

22 Ottobre 2021,08:00 - 17:00

Talking about "lean management" in Healthcare in a pandemic era might seem to most a mere philosophical exercise from a cultural circle useful for distracting attention on the current problem.
In reality, as I hope will be evident at the end of my attribute, having a managerial / organizational tool such as the "Lean" methodology available would also help to explain some of the many situations of unpreparedness for this emergency, the effects of which we are all well known.
In "lean management" and therefore in the "lean" methodology or "lean thinking", deep cultural roots are recognized at the base that are rooted in Japanese culture which is very observant of
rules and attentive to quality.

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22 Ottobre 2021
08:00 - 17:00